In all of our work, we aim to develop Connection, Creativity & Collaboration, which we believe are the core elements of a healthy group culture.
Our Tools
We use a variety of social technology tools & practices to support our clients’ organisational alignment and healthy group cultures.
We have linked some of our favourites on this page, that we often draw on to support implementing practices and structures that nourish & invite the greatest amount of alignment and unity. Our approach — like mycelium in a forest — increases trust, safety and vulnerability, strengthening the roots of healthy group cultural growth.
We invite you to try out these Tools & Practices in your own organisations and groups. They are not intended to be stand-alone “fixes,” as we have found that much blending, combining, and customising is required to truly meet the needs of each group we work with. However, by experimenting with them, we have no doubt that you and your groups will learn to better Connect, Create & Collaborate.
We have also learned that these tools often bring up a significant amount of disruption to your groups’ regular ways of being, as old patterns are acknowledged and transformed — what often arises within the group and its leaders can take the form of projections, triggers, and resistance which can benefit from Culture Garden’s philosophy and generative holding process.
Be gentle on yourselves in your group’s transformation — and seek out support early, and often.
Healthy Agreement Tools
The Agreement Field
Group Agreements — Examples
Healthy Communication Tools:
Conscious Communication
Feedback & Appreciation — Outline
The Secret to Giving Great Feedback, LeeAnn Renninger (4.45 mins)
Compassionate/Non-Violent Communication
The Way of Council
Dream Catching / Journaling Practice
Healthy Organisational Tools:
Organisational Overview
Role Outlines
Role Review / Self-Evaluation
Contracts — Energy Exchange Agreement (Employment)
Team Survey
Stages of Group Development
Visioning — Awakening Action Planning
Building Trust, Vulnerability & Safety
Shared Governance / Decision Making Processes
Organisational Leadership Resources
Community Coaches — Introduction: Creating Collaborative Culture is Key to Successful Community Initiatives
Reinventing Organisations: A Guide to Creating Organizations Inspired by the Next Stage in Human Consciousness
Addressing Power & Authority
Being Silenced and Silencing Others — Megan Reitz & John Higgins
How your power silences truth — Megan Reitz (15 mins)
The Power of Diverse Thinking — Matthew Syed (3.40 mins)
Emergent Strategy: Shaping Change, Changing Worlds
The Fearless Organisation: Creating Psychological Safety in the Work place for Learning, Innovation and Growth
An Everyone Culture: Becoming a Deliberately Developmental Organisation
The Power of the Herd: Building Social Intelligence, Visionary Leadership, and Authentic Community Through the Way of the Horse
Nurturing Our Humanity: How Domination and Partnership Shape Our Brains, Lives, and Future
Culture Garden Partners:
Exploring more deeply into our Core Elements: