The Crisis in Masculinity

As I witnessed more and more the immature masculine in recent US news, I came across an editorial from US based Voice Male magazine, “Donal Trump and the Crisis in Masculinity” that captures a sentiment I have been feeling:

“…By running for president, Mr. Trump gave citizens an unexpected opportunity to begin a serious discussion about contemporary masculinity. Imagine a curriculum developed in classrooms in all 50 states; dialogues on our sports fields; heart to heart talks among faith communities— a nationwide, multigenerational summit about manhood, about boys becoming men. Donald Trump’s ultimate contribution to the 2016 election may turn out to be the teachable moment before us. For the sake of our children and grandchildren, we can ill afford not to begin the conversation..."

I feel too that we can ill afford not to continue the conversation while the political divisions in the US and around the world brings us ever growing awareness that now is the time to act. Our opportunity to practice your Healthy Masculine, and to co-mentor each other is upon us. It starts with everyone's own inner work, encouraging the light, energy & awareness of your own healthy practice, and moves outward. 

Healthy Leadership

I shook Obama’s hand at a rally in 20012 in Boulder Colorado, and I felt - and was in awe of - his presence. Regardless of your politics or whether you feel/think Obama was a ‘good’ president or not, he has a way of carrying himself and showing up in his full authentic self as a leader - within their position of authority - and mentor us to do the same, simply by gracefully being in their fullness (Sovereign, Warrior, Magician and/or Lover). 

When society witnesses a mature leadership model like Obama, it shifts the way we are, how we act, and who we become; we all gain by being in the presence of mature leadership role models.

The Crisis in Masculinity

Unfortunately, the upcoming US presidency demonstrates classic signs of the immature masculine (the tyrant, the detached manipulator, the know-it-all trickster, the impotent lover, and the bully, to name a few). I can see how the immature masculine within western society will get very loud as it is in its final hours of adolescence, before it matures as we birth into a new age of Healthy Masculine.  But with any crisis comes opportunity for shifts in awareness. I always wonder why it takes a crisis, but here we are, witnessing increasing political divisions, and this is our opportunity to stay connected.

Practice your Healthy Masculine

This is an important time in human history, and it is the best moment to listen, find, and practice your inner Healthy Masculine, while co-mentoring with each other. 

I started hosting Awakening Healthy Masculine circles for all genders in order to encourage the awakening awareness in our communities in crisis. I encourage you to join your deeper selves, and join others in an exploration of your Healthy Masculine. Re-member, re-skill and co-mentor each other. Practice your Healthy Masculine. Learn to be keenly aware of its immature sides within you. This will guide the healing that is coming to western society, as we create more positive presence in our families, friendships, and communities.

Healthy Masculine Resources

To support our collective learning journey, I created a Healthy Masculine Resources page, to encourage you to start and continue to co-mentor each other in this awakening within you, within us.

James Wood