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Healthy Masculine 4 Part Series

May 10th, 17th, 24th & 31st

We are in the midtst of experiencing a world-wide conversation on the impacts of the centuries old immature masculine as the shadow sides of the masculine are putting at risk our very own human survival. In this moment in history, as we seek new ways to navigate climate change, support #MeToo, handle fear & isolation during Covid-19, or shift our culturally learned “power over” bullying behaviours at work/school/families —this is our opportunity to deepen towards awakening the Healthy Masculine.

In this Healthy Masculine 4 Part series council-sharing circle, I invite participants to explore the many meanings of “masculinity” embodied in all genders. By exploring and understanding how the immature (shadow sides) and the adolescent masculine show up in ourselves, we can bring a balanced awareness to practice and integrate the healthy/mature sides of the various masculine archetypes:
Sovereign, Warrior, Magician, Lover.